Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Off to the races

Last September Nathan started school.  The first day of school we were all up making sure everything was just right for him to head off to big school for the first time.  It was all going as planned until we ended up having to run to catch the bus.

Nathan started Grade 1 this year.  He is pretty proud and excited.  He talked about turning 6 and starting grade 1 all summer.   After running for the bus last year you'd think we would have learned our lesson.  Nope.  Nathan and I were upstairs looking for his sneakers when I heard what I thought was the bus driving by our house.   It was, I caught a glimpse of it going by.  I yelled down to Ryan to go wait at the end of our driveway and we'd be out in a few seconds.  Thankfully the bus turns around just up the road so it gave us the extra time we needed to get out.

Later that morning people were posting sweet pictures of their kids heading off to school.  I didn't post anything because this is the picture I got, he's in full sprint.  It makes me laugh, two years in a row.  I kind of feel like this should be our new tradition.

 The bus does not normally stop at the end of our driveway.  
We walk up the road a little bit where it's safer for other cars to see us.

 I had this cute sign made up for our morning pictures.
I missed out on those so I brought it out on the way home.
It works.

Look at these two!
Nathan was the clear winner and likely
will be for the next number of years 
I have a feeling Miles will be giving it his all
to try to keep up with him for the next...forever.

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