Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Delivery from the North

Arctic cotton is like little clouds growing on the ground.  It is as soft as it looks.  

I remember when we first moved to Paulatuk it was everywhere and I thought it was coolest thing ever.  I still do.  

This is still one of my all time favourite pictures from Paulatuk.  Everything about it feels Northern to me.  The fact that Nathan is so cute and little in this picture only adds to it.

This was the very last picture I took in Paulatuk
before we headed up to the airport.

The day before we were moving Nathan and I hopped on the quad for one of our very last quading adventures with scissors and a bag.  We went out to cut some Arctic Cotton to bring to our new home.

I cut it as he played and I carefully packed it in paper towel and a ziplock bag.  

Big mistake.

I've moved enough and should have known better.  I hadn't thought about the fact that it was not dried and that it was in a ziplock bag to sweat and be packed in a box for the next 2 or 3 weeks. 

The result wasn't pretty.  I was so excited to unpack it, only to find it covered in mold.

When our friend from Paulatuk came to visit us last Spring I mentioned to her that I would love to have some Arctic Cotton in our new home.  

She wrote me a few weeks ago and told me that it was in the mail and that hopefully it would arrive safely as she had dried it while she was on a trip of the lifetime paddling from Tuktuk Nogait National Park back to Paulatuk.  

Yesterday this arrived from Paulatuk!!

Finally - we have Arctic Cotton in our home.

Thank You Lanita 
For sharing a piece of your home with us!

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