Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Monday 28 September 2015

Corn Boil

Every fall my Mom and Dad host their annual corn boil.

My Mom has a great garden and she grows the corn herself.  It takes a lot of effort to grow corn.  I know many years she's had to replant half grown corn a few times because wind has knocked it over. I also know she oils it....I think it has something to do with bugs, but I'm not sure.  All I know is that come corn boil night - the corn is ready, and it's GOOD!  Mom takes the little kids and sometimes big kids, out to the corn and everyone picks it and bring it over to the pot in her trusty wheel barrel and then we all husk it.  It's fun, and the kids really get a kick out of harvesting their own corn.  Mom usually has a pretty big grin on her face too.

This year the weather was perfect.  We went down early to get into the River one last time for the year and to help finish setting up for the big party.  Everything was set up and looking great so we went swimming.

Corn, beans, salads, desserts, lots of family and friends.  Could the night be any better?  Oh yes, guitars, bon fires, lots of stars, laughing adults and giggling kids.  It was another great night.

It feels really strange that N is not in this picture but he was
far too busy running around with all his cousins and friends well 
into the night to stop to get a picture with us.  
He had so much fun!

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