Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Thursday 1 October 2015

Throwback Thursday

Since I went years without updating this blog I figure Thursday is a good day to play catch up.  

A lot has happened over the last couple of years so I am looking forward to reliving all the great moments.

I left off just after Easter in 2012 - Yikes, that is a lot catching up - but here we go.

We knew we would be moving back to Nova Scotia in the Summer of 2012.  When you do not know where you are going to be moving, a relatively small province can become very large.  We could have ended up anywhere between Yarmouth and Cape Breton.  

I remember everyone was getting their posting notices and we were still waiting.  Everyday I would wake up and wonder if today would be the day that I'd know where we would be living.  I was searching out all the houses for sale and daydreaming about where we might live.

The day finally came and it was great!  R was posted to a town in NS that we had on our top five list.  On top of that the job R got was one he considered his dream job.  We were thrilled, our families were thrilled and then we were off for our house hunting trip.

We had one week to look at houses and buy a house.  No pressure.

We left snow and arrived to NS just in time to help Dad fence in Moms garden.  He had a little help in 2012.   He didn't realize just how familiar N was on a quad.  He left the key in the quad to carry on with enclosing the garden.  N started it up and was ready to roll.  We all moved pretty quick and everything was fine but it was pretty funny.

Flying back to Paulatuk.
This was out the window of the plane
passing by Norman Wells
Post card perfect 
I don't think many gardens were being enclosed there.

 We bought a house!
This house
Back in Paulatuk.
Off to the River
What I'd give to do that again.....

 Geese hunting season
These were pretty impressive in the decoy department.

Hot chocolate all around
As well as our travel treat, granola bars and
Crispy Mini's 
Operation clear out the barge room.

We had no issues getting to the River
Getting home, was an issue.
This quad was pushed all the way up
And the other two were as well after driving around for 
half an hour trying to find an alternate route.

I love this sweet picture.

Nathan, puppy, Ipad, that view.
This was a perfect moment for him.

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