Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Friday 23 October 2015

Making memories in Alberta

We are lucky to have family and friends on the West coast of Canada that we are visit and play tourist in their beautiful backyards.

With brothers, sisters, cousins and friends scattered across the province we had a wonderful week of catching up and making new memories.

Miles was not a huge fan of the 5.5 hr flight to get there and he let everyone on the plane know it.  Some lovely ladies offered suggestions and empathetic glances and there was one "man" who dared to dart me dirty looks every so often.  Karma will catch up to him I'm sure.

Nathan is 6 now and really starting to appreciate the beauty of nature.  He said "Wow" more than once when he looked at the mountains and also when he saw all the city lights in Calgary.  He thought it was awesome that the Calgary tower was purple one night when we drove by and he was equally impressed when it was orange on Thanksgiving.

We were able to spend time with all our siblings and Nathan played for hours and hours with his cousins.  It was awesome.

We were also able to spend time with friends that we met while we all lived in the North.  The North is a really special place and we all truly appreciate our memories from that time in our lives.  It is always fun to reflect back and recognise how quickly life can change.

After our flight out I was expecting that the flight home might not be a great experience, but it really wasn't so bad.  Nathan has always been a rock star traveller and he still is.  Miles did much better on the way home which I was very thankful for, as I am sure everyone on the plane was.

Alberta is a beautiful place and I am grateful our family was able to spend a week there to take in some of it's splendor.

Out for a walk in Canmore

Hiking around Johnson Lake in Canmore

You can almost hear him squeal in this picture

 Never too big for a little toss

 Swinging fun

Tuckered out in Banff
I love this photo.

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