Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Saturday 1 October 2011


You know when your talking to someone and they ask if you've ever tried something, or done something and you say "no". Often the reaction you get is "really?"  I'm sure it's a universal response.  I know I'm just as guilty as everyone for saying this.

Most times my  reaction is a pure and genuine reaction of surprise.  Things that I do all the time, or have done before that seem like everybody is doing it or that I'm the last one to have done it so obviously everybody and their dog has already done it, tried it, seen get the point.

Other times you hear this and  it's a "really" with a whole other tone to it.  The tone that is meant to make you feel at least a little inadequate.  It's a bit like a sucker punch.  It takes you right back to high school when someone asks you where you got your shirt.  If you say the wrong store then your blacklisted. 

The first time I remember hearing the other "really?" was in grade 7.   I was trying, quite unsuccessfully I might add, to fit in with all the new kids.  Luckily I knew the "right" answer when someone asked me my favorite band.  Somehow I knew the right answer should be  Bon Jovi.  I knew that but as I answered that question I knew the next question was going to be "what is your favorite song?"  I had no idea.  I'm not even sure how I knew who Bon Jovi was.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to list a specific song song so I stuck with the ol' faithful answer "I like them all".  I knew I had been busted before it was even said, but the telltale "reeeeeeeally" sealed the deal.  Being the "new kid" was tough, and when you hear "really" with the extra emphasis in the EEEEEEE  you know the answer was somehow inadequate. 

For the record I know who Bon Jovi is now, and I've even been to one of their concerts.....really.

How's this for a random picture?
It was too cute not to share and I couldn't find the perfect spot to post it
so here looks good.  He has on his Dad's boots and is quite proud of himself!

Being up here I've heard "really" more often lately.  Not in a mean spirited way, but in the genuine surprised kind of way.

"Ever tried goose?"

Me: "No"


It's actually kind of a funny story surrounding this encounter

N and I had gone to play school.  Snack time at play school is actually a full lunch.  On this particular day it was goose soup, homemade bread, banana's and juice.

N was sitting at the table with the other kids waiting for lunch to arrive.  Which was sooo cute by the way.  He looks like such a little boy sitting there with the other kids.  Lunch is served and I am perched in my spot right beside him because he is still mastering the art of eating brothy soup with his own spoon.  He eats about 2 spoonfuls of soup all by himself, when one of the instructors walks over with a little urgency.  She looks at me and says:

"That is goose soup, is he allowed to have goose soup?"

I say "yes" and we all continue on.  N did great with his soup.  He ended up with just a few noodles stuck to his shirt and a little extra broth scattered about.  He is becoming so independent.  If soup is getting me all nostalgic I can only imagine what play school graduation is going to do to me.  I'll be a mess.

A few minutes later another instructor come in with a plate full of goose.  As she is eating it and I can tell she is loving every single bite, savouring it.  She looks over at me and says:

"Ever have goose?"

Me:  "No"

And then the famous


I thought she might offer some up, but nope.  She devoured it.  I'm sure if I had of asked she would have loved for me to try it.  If she knew I would have tried it she'd likely feel bad she didn't offer.  But I didn't have the heart to take even a single bite from her.  I'll get another chance to try it, and I'll take it.  Just to say I did.  Really.

Here's another "really?" story for you from this past week.

One night we were sitting on the couch watching tv.  I glanced out the window.   It was dark out, really dark and the street lights across the bay were reflecting off the water.  It was really pretty so I thought I'd take a picture. 

Unless it's first thing in the morning when I'm donning my trusty slippers I'm normally barefoot.  This evening was no different in that aspect.  Instead of finding some shoes, boots, sandals, crocks, slippers, anything to put on my feet I went out barefoot.  I figured I'd only be a second since it is only about 5 steps outside, so I went out on the deck to get the picture.  My Mom and Dad likely already know at this point where this story is going because they have had the pleasure of living with our precious little Bichon ShihTzu;  Scotia.  You likely know where this story is heading now too.

I snapped the picture and was midway back to the door when I felt it. 


If it is wet out, too cold out, too windy out or she's just feeling lazy -  darling, precious little Scotia uses the deck as her bathroom. 

How could I not have thought about this before I trampsed out there in my bare feet.

I told R what had just happened and guess what he said.


I'm not entirely convinced this was the surprised kind of "really".  Enough said. 

Except that on top of getting cr*p on my foot, the picture sucked.  My ka proof camera might have to get upgraded at some point. 

Here's one in the daytime just because that picture is so horrible.
As you can see the snow is slowly inching closer to town.

THIS might REALLY shock some of you. 

I have become quite the little baker. 

I bake bread every week, seriously, we've never bought bread in Paulatuk.  This is quite the accomplishment for a girl who's home ec teacher told her parents she had a disability.  I'm not even joking.  One of my close girlfriends and I had a blast in that class, but it had nothing to do with class.  It had everything to do with spit balls and whatever else we could do but home ec.   Lets just say after that parent/teacher meeting I was in some serious trouble. 

This morning we went to a breakfast get together.  It was really centered around a rugby game that happened to be on at breakfast so we melded it all into one.   We all brought something and had a nice little pot luck breakfast over Rugby.  There were about 10 or 12 of us there.  2 real fans.  The rest of us where there just to go somewhere with other people and socialize a bit.

  The real fans picked one team, the rest of us picked the other, the Magpies????  The Magpies were winning for awhile, but it went down hill in the last quarter.  I think they the final was 118 - 80.  Oh well.  The nurse in town is from Australia, hence the early morning rugby game.  We even had Vegimite. 

 I made carmel peach french toast.  It's was actually a casserole type of thing that you could make the night before and cook the next day.  It would have been super simple to make if I didn't need to make the french bread.  But I did need to make the bread and lucky for me I made two loaves because one was the right size and the other for whatever reason didn't rise much at all.  The one that looked good went into the casserole for others to enjoy at the early morning Rugby game and the other I made into bread pudding.  REALLY.

I'd never had bread pudding before.  It's gooooood. 

Ever have bread pudding?

Really?  ; )


  1. yes I have had bread pudding, and love it But what is vegemite, I have never heard of it before - really...

  2. I hope the nurse taught you how to eat it properly. There is a definite art to Vegemite. Best on hot toast with lots of butter. I love it that you've tried it. Feels like there was a little bit of me up there with you. Loving the blog. What opposite ends of the earth we are on, literally and figuratively.
