Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Wednesday 19 October 2011

I've never watched ice freeze before.  Who knew it was actually kind of fun?

Friday afternoon N and I were out for our daily walk and we happened to meet up with a teacher friend who was on her way home from school.

We decided to head out for a walk up to the point.  I've never headed up that direction before so I was more than happy to head out.  I've been so nervous about a bear encounter that I've just never trekked up that way before.  So I stuffed my bear bangers in my pocket and off we went.

It was a fun little walk.  On the way up we walked along the shore.   There wasn't any ice yet, but the snow was packed between the rocks pretty good so it  was getting a bit slick.  Thankfully we didn't see any bears - I found out a few days later they were hanging out around the corner up by the airport.  Not too far away, but far enough.  We did see a beluga whale......head.  What was left of it anyway.  You could definitely tell what it was but it was in rough shape.  They have a mouthful of teeth, nothing to scary looking though, I'm sure a beluga and a great white have vastly different teeth.  I had my camera, almost took a picture but then I didn't.  It just didn't seem right.  I don't know what is so different about about a caribou skull and a beluga, but something inside me stopped me from snapping.  Maybe if it was just the skeleton it would be different, but there was still some white skin on it, and it just didn't look anything like the majestic animal they are.

Walking back along the shore we looked out and noticed the water looked like it had diesel fuel on it.  How could that be?  It couldn't be, so we realized that we were actually watching the bay start to freeze up.

I snapped this picture around 5:30 pm.  You can see what kind of looks like diesel fuel spilt on the surface.

I took this picture an hour later.  There is clearly ice there.  1 hour.  CRAZY!

This was the next morning.  It looked like the bay was actually opening up again.  It was short lived.  Every morning there is an opening, it gets larger during the day and the next morning, the opening is smaller. 

I took this picture this morning.  Not too many openings left.  BUT, see that black spot in the picture, it's a seal.  I had to zoom in on my KA proof camera to catch him.  He slipped back into the water not too long after this. 

There have been a few news reports lately about the Arctic Ring Seals.  There is some sort of illness infecting many of them this year.  Reportedly there have been 6 dead ones wash up along our shores and many more in Alaska.  I heard from a local lady in town the a Dept. of Ocean and Fisheries officer was up her last week trying to figure out what was going on.  They found two, one healthy and one sick one.  Whatever they have is causing lesions on there back flippers, in their mouth and they are losing their hair in large patches.  It doesn't sound nice.

So that is my picture story of the ice freezing.  I went out to movie night at the health centre Friday night.  We watched a funny Australian movie "Kenny".  It was about a porta potty "plumber".  I thought it was funny, my Mom likely wouldn't.  Anyway, while I was there everyone was talking about the ice freezing up.  I felt a little relieved I wasn't the only one actually watching the ice freeze.  I don't think I am going too crazy from the isolation up here, but the good news is, if I am going crazy, so is the rest of the town.

On second thought,  I guess that doesn't bring much relief after all. 

Saturday afternoon we headed out to the river.  We were all bundled up, ski pants and all.  Surprisingly enough my feet didn't even freeze.

This is what is left of the campsite by the river.  One of the tent frames is there, but the canvas tent I'm assuming has been packed up for the year.  This is the tent where the goose plucking was going on during the picnic.  The other then was just a tent.  There was no elaborate frame so it is totally gone. 

If you look closely at this picture you can see the bed frame in back, the wood stove and a shelving unit.

N spent quite a bit of time playing with the door.  He thought it was fairly important that the door was closed while he was in the tent.  I guess that way it would be totally secure in there.....the invisible walls would obviously keep Mom and Dad out, as long as the door was closed.

I chuckled when I saw this actually happening, and it still makes me smile.  N had been playing with his Dad so I took off and headed out the tent site.  I looked back and this is what I saw.  N trekking over, full steam ahead.  That kid makes me smile!

It's a TREE

Do you think we should be worried that N saw this "tree" and ran over to it and said "Uh Oh"?    Uh Oh is right.  This giant was definitely out of place.  It made me think of The Lone Cyprus along the California coast.  It's an old tree along the very beautiful and scenic #1 hwy that is now growing on a rock out on it own.  It looks like it was once attached the the the rest of the land but the ocean worked it's wonders and now it's out on its own.  It looks out of place.   It's a marked tourist picture spot.  We have the picture.  Do you think I should mark this one, maybe it will draw the know, to see the 3' tree.  

N is quite the nature lover.  He took off on a little nature hike down by the river.  He was actually getting a little far away so I was keeping a close eye on him and was getting ready to start after him.  I turned to talk to R and turned back around and N had taken his mitts off and was pointing to something.

  I walked over to find this:

He found a patch of little flowers.  They looked like a smaller version of the straw flowers I had in my garden in Yellowknife.  He was smelling them.  UM - CUTE!!!

Of course since this was a great find he had to show his Dad.  So back we went with flower in tow. 

Dad had a good sniff and the everything was perfect with the world. 

Our days are definitely getting shorter now.  It seems the days are getting shorter just as quickly as the ice is forming.  Just a few weeks ago I was saying, "it seems like the days are normal length".  Not any more.  The official time for sunrise yesterday was 9:36 and for sunset it was18:27  (6:27).  I say official because as I am currently sitting here typing this at 10:11, I am watching a beautiful sunrise.  It's not light out, but it's not dark either.  It's dusky.  Another 45 minutes or so and I think it might be light. 

This is a picture of the sunset on our ride home. You even got a shot of my finger. I'm quite the photographer hey? 

This was sunrise yesterday.  This was around 9:30.

It looks pretty in this picture - but you know it was way nicer than that. My camera doesn't do it justice. Not a bad view from the kitchen.

N has started to find it really funny to hide.  He started just covering himself in blankets and walking around.  It's pretty funny, and yes he has run into a few walls but he thinks that is pretty funny too.   The dogs don't think this is such a great trick.  It freaks them out.  Morley (English Mastiff) is a bit of a nervous guy to start with so anything that is out of the ordinary is not really welcome in his world.  Athena (Great Dane) just follows him around.  She waits for him to drop the blanket and then tries to lay on it, and Scotia.....well she's just Scotia.  Sometimes she's interested and sometimes she's just too busy for that nonsense.

Monday morning N kicked the hiding up a notch. 

This is where I found him.  I just happened to catch a glimpse of him just like this.  He had stolen puppy from his crib and was happy as a clam tucked inside his nightstand.  He thought it was great fun.  I watched him maneuver himself in there a few times.  It was no easy feat.  When R came home for lunch I told N to show him his new hiding spot.  Sure enough, he tucked himself inside as R watched in disbelief.

It made me laugh, but also caused me a little worry.  That's a pretty good hiding spot.  What would he find next? 

I am happy to report that Tuesday morning he was hiding again.  Behind the curtains in our bedroom.  The curtains covered his head and shoulders, so as I walked in I could see his belly and legs sticking out the bottom.  Oh, and his hand holding the curtain in place.

I like this hiding place much better.

All is perfect with the world again.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha Kenny, another 'acquired' Australian taste. Most Australian comedies are.
