Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Monday 26 September 2011

Operation Hibernation

Operation hibernation is officially underway. 

You know when you look outside during the dead of winter and you get a little chill that goes right through you. Just thinking about what it must actually feel like out there.  It feels like the howling wind is going right through your bones and makes your jaw cinch up.  Those are the cold, hard days of winter.  There are nice winter days.  Sometimes it's cozy looking out.  It's almost a feeling of comfort looking out at the snow while your snuggled up in a blanket reading a book or watching HGTV.  Sipping hot chocolate or red wine, both comforting for different reasons.  Both warm you up, both relax you and both taste delicious on any given day.

Well lets just say I'm bundled up, and I wish I was drinking red wine.  Slippers and a zip up fleecy have been part of my wardrobe this week end.  I'm trying to convince myself that I should be thrilled we made it this late into September. This is after all the first time there has been snow here in town, right here by our house.  It's a little too close for comfort, but I guess I can't control that.  We had the day where we, and by we I mean the entire town, spotted our first glimpse of snow on the hills.  We were all thankful that it hadn't crept into town.  No such luck now, it's all downhill from here.

I'm sure some people are happy to see the snow.  It's a new season of opportunity - of possibility - of activity.  I don't necessarily have anything against winter, I just think it might be better in shorter increments.  But it is what it is, and as much as I'd like to stay in denial - I think winter is here.

What should have been another routine walk around town on Friday afternoon turned into a walk in a flash blizzard. Okay, yes I am exaggerating a tad. But there was snow and there was lots of it.  Big flakes,and the old saying held true, big flakes equal little snow, little flakes equals lots of snow. When R arrived home from work he asked "Did you see the snow today?" Um yeah, I saw it. At first glance I was actually a little thrilled to see it. It really is pretty. Then reality set in that fall had just began and kabam, winter is here too.

There were flurries all week end and now I think I have to admit to myself that the snow on the mountains is likely there to stay for the next 9 months.  Yes, 9 months.  That's a stinking looong time.  I'm glad I have lots of pictures of July because come March I may have to tape them to the window just to have different scenery.

With the arrival of fall I decorated the house up.  I replaced the summer wreath hanging on the front door with the boldly coloured fall wreath, I dug out my favorite fall candles - ginger pumpkin, and I searched the house for the Indian corn I knew I had packed.  I had it stashed well, so after a bit of searching, fall had fully arrived in the house.  To make it official I baked some autumn muffins and pumpkin loaf.  Oh yes, fall is here long as you don't look out the window.

Keeping in with the fall mood, I took N to play school twice this week.  On our first visit I had intended on just stopping in to introduce ourselves and to find out if we could come once and awhile so N could play with some other children.  Turns out we were more than welcome.  As long as I stayed with him, which I intended to do anyway, heck I don't even leave Scotia at the groomer by herself.  The age range is suppose to be 3 & 4 but there are 1 1/2 - 4 there on a regular basis.  It was around ten am and N was the only child there.

 There were three employees who where in the kitchen drinking tea and doing some sewing and beading when we first arrived.  They gladly set those aside to play with N.  We had full run of the place and he was loving the attention, all the new toys and books.  Come to find out this is the play schools normal morning.  Although open, the children in town don't normally go in the morning, just the afternoon.   The afternoon program is during nap time so it kind of defeats the purpose for it just to be us in the playschool. 

Coincidentally N woke up early one day.  Normally a dreaded thing, I thought I might be able to get him napping earlier and then to play school.  It worked, we were late but not toooo late.  I was excited to see N interact with all the other kids but as soon as we sat down another little boy poked him right in the eye.

No harm done, other than his Mom being mortified.  We arrived just as they were getting ready to play a game.  BINGO.  Pre school style, but still BINGO.  I giggled as N played with the buttons we were using to cover up the pictures.  You have to understand BINGO is huge in the North.  There are BINGO's held weekly and then some.  It is on the radio a few times a week. It's EVERYWHERE, even play school.

Ever have an Arctic Char dropped off on your doorstep?

I can now say I have.

What a nice gift.  It's nice to be welcomed into such a small community.  I returned the gift with a few loaves of pumpkin bread. 

What else did we do this week end other than watch it snow?

 Well we went to a Birthday party and built the tallest mega block tower EVER!!!

Here's an updated picture of the firepit.  It has certainly lost some of it's zing for life.

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