Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Thursday 13 October 2011

Let's take a walk

The past couple of days have been dreamy in Paulatuk.  Winter wonderland dreamy.

The temperature has been hovering right around zero.  There is a blanket of snow covering the ground which actually makes it more picturesque because the thin layer of white is prettier than the brown mud.  I can actually say that I am really enjoying this temperature. 

I use to LOVE the heat.  30 degrees was bliss.  The past few years the hottest I wanted see is 25 but I've decided 22 is my perfect outside temperature in the summer.  It's warm but not sweltering.  You can still do whatever you want during the day and be comfortable and it cools down enough at night so that you can sleep comfortably.

Nothing beats the Fall.  Who doesn't love dressing up in a comfy sweater and heading out for a walk.  Kicking leaves as you walk down the sidewalk or down a path leading to some sight that Mother Nature cast a special spell on all while breathing in the crisp fresh air that only Autumn can provide.

The past few days have kind of been just an extension of Fall.  True enough I bundled N up in his snowsuit for the first time today, but it's not freezing, it's nice.   Yesterday we went out for our walk which normally takes around 45 minutes once it's all said and done.  I measured town the other day too.  Just to see how far I've been walking.  Let's just say I'm not walking any marathons. 

Town is shorter than I thought.  I guessed it was around 2 km.  Nope.  From one end of the road to the other it is 1.2 km.  So it's only a 2.4 km walk.  Before you start snickering to yourself that it takes me 45 minutes to walk 2.4 km I'd just like to remind you that I do have N with me and N likes to walk now too.  He pushes his stroller down the road, chases the Sik Sik's (ground squirrels) and runs after any kid he sees within sight.   Yesterday he literally took off across the street to play with the kids leaving school.  No need to worry about traffic.  Everyone goes slow on our 1.2 km road and 4 wheelers by far out number any trucks on the road anyway.


Yesterdays 45 minute walk turned into 2 hours.  It was so nice outside.  It was warm (ish) but soooo foggy.  The crazy thing was that even with all the fog there was still a rainbow.  I just can't get over how many rainbows there are up here. 

We met up with a group of kids on their way home from school and walked awhile with them.  The boys took turns pushing N's empty stroller and sliding down the road on their knees with just there regular pants on.  I'm sure their Mom's will love that.  And you know monkey see monkey do.  N wasn't too far behind them practicing up his sliding skills.  We do have a sled, but I'm not sure he'll want it once he polishes up his new trick.

The kids went their own way once we got the cemetery.  They said they missed their Grandma and were going to go visit her.   Isn't that sweet!  I watched them with a heavy heart as they went into the cemetery and gathered around a white cross.  These kids were 13, 9 & 8 - they were there for awhile because they were still in there when we came back around the loop.

There was a new sight in town yesterday too.

I did a double take when I initially saw him.  But yup.  It really was a grizzly.  Different seasons bring different sights.  July was muktuk, September was Char (fish) hanging and now  this.  

We also walk past this everyday.


Which reminds me.  Today at playschool one of the kids brought dry meat for a treat.  It's kind of like beef jerky except it's made with caribou.  N tried it out.  He kind of just gummed it but seemed to like it.  He went back to it a few times.  The other kids LOVED it.  I tried it....

On our walk home yesterday we were almost home.  Just coming up to the house when we got buzzed by a plane.  We looked up and it was literally right over top of us.  Remember I said it was really foggy.  Well the plane did 4 loops around before he decided land.  N and watched as he flew over, did a loop, and continued to do that 3 more times.  It was starting to make me really nervous for him, but he landed safe and sound.  N got a kick out of seeing the plane do loops and being so close.  He had a huge grin on his face.  It's the little things. 

It would go well with my plane story if I could also tell you that this was on the plane.

But, it's not.  It's going on tomorrow's plane so it will be at it's destination next week.  Then it'll be official.

On the road again!

1 comment:

  1. I was showing Ross the newest pic of Nathan in this post. Ross wanted to know why Nathan looked "puffed up"...and it occurred to me: Ross has never even seen a snowsuit! We continue to enjoy your blog, KA! Keep it up!!
