Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Monday 27 February 2012

To the boat

Happy Monday Everyone!

R asked me this morning if I was going to do one more post before vacation.  Honestly I hadn't planned on it because I didn't think I had taken any pictures during the past week.  WOW - my memory is seriously lacking!  I need to double up on my fish oil intake!

I forgot all about our hike out to the boat.  Now if only I could remember the name of "the boat".  I'll have to google it and post it in here later.  I'm thinking The Roger, or The Albert............hmmmm - I wonder how close I am.  Regardless - what a great day that was and a nice little adventure.

This is a nice way to start the week.

The obvious thing to look at in this picture are the flowers.  Yes, your seeing that right.  Fresh flowers in Paulatuk, in the WINTER.  The Northern manager brought up fresh flowers for Valentines Day.  R brought them home and they are so beautiful.  I always use to have fresh flowers in the house in YK - but I have never had the opportunity up here....I like it alot.  I asked R if anyone else had bought any.  No.  He said one lady said "flowers, I don't know what to do with flowers".   I hope other people bought them - if we are the only ones they'll never fly them up again. 

Anyway - the thing I was actually taking a picture of was the shadow on the wall.  Shadows are fun - especially at 9:00 AM - which means not only is it light at 9, but it's sunny.  LOVE IT!

I have tried to take a few pictures of the boats and their winter storage locations, but the pictures just didn't turn out.  It makes me chuckle because I know people down South spend hours preparing their boats for winter - draining all the liquid out of them - covering them up and placing them somewhere out of the elements......

Here are some pictures of "the boat" that we hiked out to last weekend.  Four us decided to hike out to the little black spot in the bay which we had been told was a stranded boat.  We started out with a bit of nerves because somebody had cautioned us about cracks in the ice.  I REALLY didn't want to fall down some crack in the Arctic Ocean.  It became clear pretty quickly that it was going to be safe - so on we marched.  It looked like it was WAY out there.  I thought we would be walking forever.  Once it started to get closer it got close quick.  Maybe because we could actually see something more than a dot we walked a little quicker.

Once we reached it, it was really neat.  The boat was alot smaller than I thought it was going to be.  You can see in some of the pictures that it really isn't that big, especially given that this boat was used to transport people to residential school.  I really should do a little more research on this because I honestly don't know much - other than what it looks like.  Heck, I don't even know it's name.   Now that I've been there I have more questions.  How many people were on this little boat?  How long did they stay on it?  How long was it stuck out there before the people were rescued?  How long has it been out there?

Hmmm - I'm feeling awfully uninformed.  I'll have to get the information and fill in the blanks later. 

I know I am biased, but seriously - N is the cutest little boy!

He has this little police car that he cruises around in, one day he decided to take passengers with him.  Given that his giant dog is in backwards, I'm glad he has 14 more years to figure out a little more about this whole driving gig ; )

Bundled up and heading out for a walk, with owl.   I guess he decided to share the experience with him or her too.  He has started telling me every sort of animal is either "mama" or "dada".  Initially I thought he was trying to tell me that I was an owl.  Interesting.  I have since figured out that he has figured out that animals have Mom's and Dads, so he'll point to all of them and either say "mama" or "dada" and I say, "oh, that's a mommy owl", and he says "yeah".  It's a fun game we have going least I know that he doesn't really think I'm an owl, hippo, worm, polar bear, whale, get the point.

The sky was on fire this week.  This is around 6 pm. 

This made me chuckle.  He lined all his birds up so they could look out the window one morning.  That kid is so stinking cute.  Have to say - those birds have a great view!

I guess that's it for today.  This time tomorrow we'll be in Inuvik on out way to Halifax and then Mexico.  Vacation has come quick again!  We get back at the end of March and then we don't plan on leaving again until October.  I can't wait to experience another summer in Paulatuk - it is so wonderful.  I guess we need to get out of this -40 weather first.

So Halifax here we come - that is after we hit seven airports -

Normen Wells

Oh - let the fun begin!!!

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