Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Friday 11 May 2012

It's been awhile.....

Yikes - 3 months is a lot to catch up on.

I'm not even sure where to start.  It's almost to the point where I thought maybe I should just cut my loses and move on.  Then I realised that this has also not only turned into a journal of sorts for me.  Since I have horrendous memory - I should likely keep on top of this because if it gets too out of hand I really won't remember.  But this has also become a great way to keep family and friends up to date with what we've been up to.  It's not nearly as great as receiving a good ol' fashion letter in the mail - but it works.  Also - since just a few months ago I sent out pictures that I intended to send out a YEAR ago.....well - I better get back into this blog.

There is simply too much "stuff" to play catch up on.  I have to admit that this is my third attempt to write this.  I'm having a tough time getting back on the waggon.  I tried to upload a bunch of pictures a few days ago and figured that once the pictures were up - the stories would come.  Part way through the download the power went out.  Bye bye upload.  That was the second attempt.  I took it as a sign to try again another day.

Today is another day.  Attempt number 3.  Lets see how this goes.

So for the record today is May 10th.  I'll use that as challenge to myself to get this posted before the end of the day.  Well see how that pans out.

May 10 looks vastly different here in our world than what you are seeing in your world.  I know because I'm seeing all the pictures on Facebook.  You guys are killing me!  Some of you are going for walks in the park with your spring jackets and sunglasses.  Others are jumping in your backyard pools, without a wetsuit on.   My mother keeps talking about how she is spending hours out in the garden. 

We just had another blizzard.

What more is there to say about that?  Last week was really nice.  Sure there was still lots of snow and it was below zero but it tricked me into thinking that Spring was coming.  We went for walks with just our winter jackets on (no snow pants) and our sun glasses.  Snow blindness is a crazy thing.  It hurts.   All that white is really, really bright. 

Fast forward to this week and we have a blizzard which seemed to be the beginning of the gloom.  The clouds seemed to have found their spot - right over top of our little town.  The forecast shows sun in about 3 days.  Not that I'm counting.

I'm still trying to get out for a walk everyday.  It is starting to get a little tougher to push the stroller.  The snow is getting more damp and is packing like a snowball around the tires.  N wants to walk parts of the walk and pick up snow balls along the way.  He's discovered that snow is fun to eat.  He hauls the same big chunk of snow with him for the whole walk and then says "bye bye" to it when I biff it off the steps as we come in.

On our walk around town yesterday I was on a treasure hunt of sorts.  I heard that there were a couple bears hanging up around town.  A grizzly and a polar bear.  The polar was an easy find.  Once I spotted it I realised that if I looked a little closer out my kitchen window I could have found it.  I'll blame that on snow blindness.  I searched all FOUR streets (feel free to laugh now) for the grizzly  but I didn't find it.  They must have taken him down before I made my way around.  I did find a few other things.  I found a seal fur stretching in a much more elaborate fashion than mine.  I stapled mine to a wall - this one looked quite advanced.  Kind of like a seal skin inside a dream catcher.  I did try to take a camera is dead.  There were also a few remnant's of geese which have been back for about a week.  I thought once the geese were back I'd see them.  I haven't seen a live one yet.  I hear they are all out at Egg Island and that they are early this year. 

So this would have been the first grizzly of the year and it was the 7th polar bear.  Not sure what to say about that so I think I will just leave it alone. 

Lets see if these pictures inspire me to write a bit more:

There is an ice rink plowed out on the bay.  Out walking one day N spotted a few kids down there playing hockey, and he was off.  Him and the puppy that picked up along our route.  Once we were down there N loved it.  I would have loved it more if he was in bubble wrap.  I use to love skating but now all I see is the potential danger.  I'll have to get bubble wrap.

Excitement on the bay.  One morning we woke up to this.  It plowed out the snowmobile race track.  N thought it was pretty fun to watch it go around.  I thought it was very nice of him to plow out a new walking path for me.  I forgot to take the wind into account and when I did walk around it it was a major workout because the majority of the path was blown in. 

Here is almost every single truck in town down at the races.

We went sledding one day with a few friends. Going down was a blast, coming back up, OMG!  With a tube and 2 year it was a tad crazy.  I went down twice - R went down twice and we each took N once.  That hill is steep!!!  The first time I went I went with my eyes closed.  I was pretty sure I was going to flip but I didn't.  I did end up way out on the ice and had to hike for 15 minutes to get back up, but it was fun.  The second time I went with N on my lap.  That time I was concentrating so much on holding onto him that I forgot to hold my butt up and bottomed out.  OUCH.    N had a ball!


Well this picture pretty much sums it up.  We were sledding the night before and apparently I was not the only one who was tired out.  N slept until after 10:00 am!!!!  R and I were sitting in the living room surrounded by eggs looking at each and wondering if we should wake him up.  Once he was up he was good to go.  It was fun watching him.

Athena likes chocolate too....

Here are a few pictures of how a 2 year old has fun and causes his Mom a little stress, and a few giggles that I tried to hide.

I know you'll all be shocked that a 2 year ever gets into stuff - especially my 2 yr old.  So here's a little proof of the "fun" he has.

I guess he didn't want to wait for me to get him juice....

I was actually impressed with the amount he got into the water bottle (that he found in our trash bin), but I would have been more impressed he missed the couch entirely.  I bet he like this juice much more than his normal "juice".  Which is water with a just a little juice.  He likely thought he found the best juice EVER!!!

N also found the cake decorating kit - with the icing coloring.....surprisingly enough it washed off fairly easy.  He only had green hands for a day or two,

There's a new bird in N's flock and is he ever pleased with the new member!!!

So there we have it.  I guess it kind of is like riding a bike after all.  Once you get going.....

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