Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Thursday 16 February 2012


B = black out, blizzard, I mean local blowing snow and black garbage bags.   I guess that properly sums up the last few weeks.  B.

How should I describe life in the great white North during the past few weeks....


I found that blogging is similar to exercising.  Once your actually doing it your good to's just getting to doing it.  I always sit down and wonder "what am I going to write about" but I always find myself with more to say than I even knew.  It certainly helps that when I look at the pictures that I've taken over the past week or so that all the stories that go along with them come back. 

As you'll see, some of the memories of the past 2 weeks are better than others - but I'm sure eventually we'll look back at the pictures and laugh about it.  It likely won't be while we still have to shovel out our kitchen....

Do you notice anything different about this picture?

Look at the smoke from the chimneys.

This is a great way to tell the weather.  While we lived in Ft. McPherson a friend and I took our daily walk.  At the time we only had dial-up Internet so trying to get the actual weather forecast was a pain.  We quickly realised that you could pretty accurately tell the temperature from how the smoke was coming out of the chimneys. 

Straight up meant is was pretty warm out.
Diagonal meant it was cooler.
Horizontal meant, bundle's cold.

Little trick of the trades ; )

We had theft at the house.  To be specific, the barge room.  Good thing he is a darn cute little thief and giggles as he's tearing out with a container of Pringles and a grin from ear to ear.

Remember in my last post how I was so impressed that we didn't loose power during the blizzard.  I guess I should have knocked on wood.  One of the loaders hit a power pole while clearing out snow from that blizzard.  So there was a planned power outage to replace the damaged pole.  No big deal.  It was scheduled to last from 1 - 3.  I knew enough to know it would not go exactly as planned so when the power went off at 1:30 I wasn't shocked and expected it to be off for the next few hours.  I didn't think it was bad at all - N went down for his nap and I took the opportunity to sew some on the seal mitts I'm making for N.  It was actually nice, for the first 2 hours. 

N napped and I was sewing away, sewing  very slowly.  I'm not an expert by any means but I thought I was doing pretty well considering.  I had all the stitches nice and tight and kept checking to make sure it looked good.  I was impressing myself!  I managed to finish one side and let me tell you by the end of that my fingers were sore.  Seal skin is tough and sewing with sinew instead of thread means you really have to pull and tug each stitch to tighten it.  My needle was too small and kept ending up at a 90 degree angle so I'd try to straighten it out every so often. 

N woke up - it was getting a little chilly in the house now - it was -40 outside after all.  We read a bunch of books as we were cuddled up on the couch.  It was getting dark outside so I lit a few candles and N and I went on an adventure with our flashlights. 

R came home from work a little after 5.  He had spoken with the guys working on the pole and they thought it would be another half hour or so.  We all bundled up in our hoodies and waited for the power to come on.  For whatever reason I was starving, and as we all know, when you can't have something that's when you want it the most.  I settled for triscuits and the boys ate Pringles....shocking.

Around 6:00 it started getting cold.  The dogs were even making the rounds wondering what was going on.  Here is a picture I took of town.  It was cold and dark but I could see the guy up the pole and I knew he wanted the power to be on just as much as I did.

The power came on right around 6:30.  So our 2 hour scheduled power outage ended up being 5 hrs. 

Red sky at night, sailors delight.  Red sky in morning, sailors take warning.

I read the weather report to R one night because the next day was calling for winds of 120 km and local blowing snow.  The next morning - the morning that I took this picture, R called me from work to tell me that there was going to wind gusts of 120 km.   Can we say busted!  He really isn't infatuated with everything I say : )

It started out as a calm day - and as the day progressed, it kept getting more and more windy.  By that night our house was shaking.  I kept thinking about people telling us to have our parka's close.  I decided that if the roof was going to come off I wouldn't have time to get my jacket and boots on anyway so I should just get to sleep.  Easier said than done.  I couldn't believe the wind. 

This was not classified as a blizzard.  The weather reports called it "local blowing snow" and the locals called it "a big blow".  I call it insane.  All the snow that was already down just got moved around.  If you looked straight up you could see blue sky but if you looked right in front of you, you could not see anything.  All of the neighbours houses disappeared again.  It is odd to say the least.

When we woke up we had to shovel out our kitchen.  Evidently the door to the back deck is not sealed well.  There was literally a snow bank in the kitchen.  We shovelled it out and sealed up the door the best we could.

There are eight towels there and still snow came in.  If you look out the window you can see all the snow has blown off the deck which I guess was a good thing.

The "big blow" lasted for an entire 24 hours.  When things calmed down and the loaders and dozers had made their way around town clearing out paths we took a trip to see what town looked like with all it's rearranged snow.

Isn't that nuts!  This was just snow that was already here.  It just moved.  There were tunnel type spots on the road.  That truck is a F-250, it's not little. 

There was one truck in town that didn't make out so well.  It got buried.  Seriously!  Totally buried.  I talked to the lady the other day and I was laughing about it, a little more than she was.  She said they went to bed that night and woke up and the truck was gone.  It just got dug out a few days ago and surprisingly enough come out with only a few minor injuries....well I guess a bumper is a little more than minor, but considering what could have happened, I guess it was minor.

This past week-end we started having really nice weather.  Usually when I check online for the temperature and I see a warmer temp. and makes me nervous.  I use to get excited and when the "warm" day came the windchill would be a killer.  If the forecast said it was going to be -10 that sounds awesome (well to us it does), but when the day rolls around, it might be -10 with a windchill of -33.  That just ruins it.  Last weekend though it started to get warm and people started to come out of hibernation.  You could look out the window and see kids playing on the snow hills and people walking up and down the street.  It's really nice.

Early this week N and I went to playschool.  Once there the teachers decided to take advantage of the nice weather and we all put our gear on to head out sledding.  I figured we'd be sledding on our bums.  I was kind right.......on our bums with a twist.

Oh yah - stylish I know, but boy oh boy those kids had a blast.  We put big black garbage bags on them and off they went. 

Oh - any my mitts that I was so impressed with myself about.  I took them to playschool with me and and showed them to one of the ladies who promptly told me "we have to take them apart".  I sort of thought she was joking, but I wasn't sure because she was not laughing.

She wasn't joking.

I sewed one of the pieces on backwards.  Uh huh.  So my sewing with my 90 degree angle needle was all for not.  I'm still looking for the silver lining in that one.  I guess I'll know better next time.   The worst part is I kept checking it trying to visualise it and make sure I had it the right way.  Some people are just naturals - me.....not so much.

Once they are finished I'll post a picture - they will be beautiful, and wait until you see the mukluks....they are so nice.  I may just have to make myself a pair.

The moon never ceases to amaze me

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