Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Fun in November

It is getting tougher to catch this guy and his great smile.
He's as happy as ever but he's getting older, and so cool.....
It seems it's much more cool to be silly and serious.

We had an impromptu photo shoot one afternoon.
It was kind of fun and as always, I love to 
watch these two together.

This guy....
Is busy.
He's here, he's there,
he's everywhere.

So far this week, it's Tuesday,
I've found him in a cupboard,
stuck in his exersaucer and everywhere in-between.

Here's a shot of that cool kid I was talking about...

One of my favourites

I guess you could call him a 
Sous Chef?

Division 3 Provincial Final game
Acadia University

We are kind of fond of the star kicker ; )

Mom's famous pumpkins
2015 Version

There he is on the move again.
Honestly, I didn't plan to trip him up 
with his too long pants.
It didn't work anyway.

Classic Miles
Oh look at this....

Oh well, onto the next activity.

Nathan was pretty happy about this.
He said he "taught" Miles how to do this.
Always such a helpful kid.

That's a wrap.
November 2015

Friday 6 November 2015

There's that tree!

This tree is spectacular every year.
Every year I look at it and smile.
I've scoped out the trees in the neighbourhood.
I think we have the best tree ; )

With great trees, you get great leaves.
With great leaves you get happy boys!

I'm not a huge fan of screen time for the kiddos
but is dryer time frowned upon too?

My little science boy is all about experiments.
He comes up with some great ideas.

Imagine my surprise when I saw a book written by my baby!
I'm glad it was a cool book because
I was going to buy it regardless of what it was.
Northern Lights - Awesome
Written my wee one
Really Awesome.

Speaking of my wee baby.
He's 9 months old now.

He's on the move everyone.
I'm not ready.

It's nice that he tries to clean up after himself........

Sunday 1 November 2015

It's Another Boy

Take a deep breath. it's  a dog this time.

A few weeks ago we found out about a dog who needed a home.

Long story short - he came home yesterday.

He's 11 months old and big and playful and needs to learn a few manners.....

This was my make shift puppy free zone


Scotia and I are getting seriously out numbered here!

Friday 30 October 2015

Random going on's

He's a tooth down

He was so happy to be holding his first lost tooth.
He quickly put it in a little bag and carried
it around until bedtime and then he tucked it
safely under his pillow.

 These two are really starting to play together now
and it melts my heart.

Is there something on my face?

Fall swing time

Smiles all around.

The babysitter is on duty.
No need to worry - all is safe.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Cousin Fun

Kids in general bring a huge smile to my face....on most occasions, but watching Nathan and Miles play with their cousins was simply awesome.  Cousins are just great.  I've read lots of little post on Facebook about how cousins are your first real friends and I think it's true.  

Cousins Rock....and play and play and play.

We had fun, lots of fun.

First Stop:  Calgary Corn Maze

Next Stop:  Thanksgiving Dinner at the cousins house - Weeeeeeeeee

M and N - 5 weeks apart - the future of cousin trouble.

We even had some Super Hero's appear at Thanksgiving ; )

Then we hit the road.  
Next Stop:  Edmonton

Handsome T and Miles - not his best picture. 
He might get after me in the future about this.
Sorry dear, your always cute ; )

These two always have
the best time.

This right here folks might be the highlight of 
all Alberta to Nathan.
He calls it the spinning tree,
and it's what dreams are made of.

Tell me this isn't cute.

I tried my best to get a great shot for Grandma

5's a good as it's gonna get.

Two boys with Six boy cousins.
We had fun.
And I am sure there is years of fun yet to be had.
I can't wait to watch them all grow up together.
Cousins Rock.

Friday 23 October 2015

Making memories in Alberta

We are lucky to have family and friends on the West coast of Canada that we are visit and play tourist in their beautiful backyards.

With brothers, sisters, cousins and friends scattered across the province we had a wonderful week of catching up and making new memories.

Miles was not a huge fan of the 5.5 hr flight to get there and he let everyone on the plane know it.  Some lovely ladies offered suggestions and empathetic glances and there was one "man" who dared to dart me dirty looks every so often.  Karma will catch up to him I'm sure.

Nathan is 6 now and really starting to appreciate the beauty of nature.  He said "Wow" more than once when he looked at the mountains and also when he saw all the city lights in Calgary.  He thought it was awesome that the Calgary tower was purple one night when we drove by and he was equally impressed when it was orange on Thanksgiving.

We were able to spend time with all our siblings and Nathan played for hours and hours with his cousins.  It was awesome.

We were also able to spend time with friends that we met while we all lived in the North.  The North is a really special place and we all truly appreciate our memories from that time in our lives.  It is always fun to reflect back and recognise how quickly life can change.

After our flight out I was expecting that the flight home might not be a great experience, but it really wasn't so bad.  Nathan has always been a rock star traveller and he still is.  Miles did much better on the way home which I was very thankful for, as I am sure everyone on the plane was.

Alberta is a beautiful place and I am grateful our family was able to spend a week there to take in some of it's splendor.

Out for a walk in Canmore

Hiking around Johnson Lake in Canmore

You can almost hear him squeal in this picture

 Never too big for a little toss

 Swinging fun

Tuckered out in Banff
I love this photo.

Monday 5 October 2015

Fall is in the air

Our days of nice weather are numbered so when we have a nice one we are trying our best to make it count.

Sunday was one of those days that we knew we had to make count.

Nathan wants a pet.  We have two dogs and two dogs is plenty.  

Thankfully he's content with Emily right now.  Emily is a caterpillar.

We'll stick with Emily for as long as we can.

We also went apple picking and a wagon ride.  Fun times in the country.