Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Saturday 9 January 2016

Christmas 2016 - Oh what fun we had!

I've spent far too long looking over all the Christmas pictures I took trying to decide which pictures to share.

There are simply too many.

Here are a few of my favourites from December.


 These Two.
Just look at them.
I bet you are smiling.
You're welcome.

 Mom and Grandad came down for Nathan's 
school Christmas concert.   He had fun and we had fun
watching all the stars of the big show.

Words cannot express what I felt when I saw this on the
concert schedule at Nathan's school.

Such a special school and teachers.

Who doesn't love a blanket ride?
These two sure do.


Christmas Eve 
Full of excitement and anticipation

Christmas Morning
Mom and Dad arrived at 7 am
Miles and I were up and the
rest of the crew were not too far behind.
N got up at 3:30am and was promptly
told to get back to bed, it was the middle of the night.
3:30 - No - except I didn't get back to sleep.

7:30 - YES
So much fun!!!

We spent Christmas Eve afternoon and evening with Ryan's parents 
and came home in time to get everyone tucked in and
awaiting the arrival of Santa.
So exciting!!

Morning came (hours too early), Mom and Dad
arrived with smiles on their faces and Nathan came down stairs 
and it was everything you would expect it to be for
a six year old.

N mapping out his route.
Yellowknife, China, Turkey, Cuba and of course
Tornado Alley are all stops along 
the journey.

Christmas is a time of year that can bring up so many feelings.
People remember Christmas. 
 You remember how you felt as a kid, where you were, 
who you spent the day with, certain presents, different celebrations and
annual traditions.

People make an effort at Christmas.
People try to be kinder, more generous, more accepting, 

Christmas makes memories.
Christmas is full of memories.

Christmas is a time to remember.

Remember, that with all the joy and excitement of Christmas
Most people are also at least little sad because they are remembering
the people they can no longer share the day with and reflecting back
to the moments they had.
Be kind to yourself, your heart, your memories and each other

Remember to be present in the little moments of today
that could be the big moments of yesterday.

Merry Christmas