Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Beating the January Blues

We live in area that is know to have many eagle.  This time of year we often have an eagle or two that sit up in the tree that I can see out the kitchen window.  One morning I looked out the kitchen window to check on our morning eagle and there were a few up there.  I looked out another window and saw a few more.  Then I started checking out all the windows.  I don't know what was going on but I counted 16 out one window.  It was awesome but I made sure not to let our little dog out while they were all out there.

 I was getting this guy ready for bed one night and he just kept giggling. 
 It was super cute and I'm glad I got R to catch a quick picture.

 N is an awesome reader.  
I love that he loves books

I don't know if these guys are our regular  morning eagles or not
 but they were in the right tree.

Snowshoe fun

 He's running these days 
but still too early for snowshoes
so he hitched a ride ; )

 I'll admit, I got a little excited about all the pretty colours

Cupboards and kids
smiles and giggles
Clean pots are way over rated anyway.

We don't have much screen time in our house
but I'm perfectly fine with dryer time.

Nathan decorating for his little brothers

How did that happen?
The first month seemed like it would
n.e.v.e.r.  end 
Then just like that he's 1

 Peek a boo I'm behind the cake

 Mom and Dad
came to celebrate

To help pass the winter along we paired up with 
friends and hit the big city for a night of fun.
Water slide
Hot tub
Brand spanking new library

We had fun

 Did someone say pool?

 Just a little happy

 3 years of hockey has paid off.
This guy can skate really well!

 Library Time

 He liked the library too!

So I could deceive you all and let you think that N just read books at the library and left thinking that it was as amazing as I did but that would be a BIG lie.  Nathan really was enjoying the library and then he spotted the tv's and gaming stations.

Libraries have really changed.
Gone are the days of just books.
No kidding, this place had a cafe, a movie room, a kids play section
I saw a person eating pizza in their own little cubby area and then there was
video game section.
They had Minecraft.
That was the end of the books.

So yes, N will tell you his favourite part
of our weekend get away was the library and
while you may be impressed, he loved
it for reasons that might surprise you.

Miles often roams around the house with something on his
hear or around his body.  I don't know why, but he likes it.
I found this little backpack in a bunch of the next size clothes I brought up
a few days ago and now he roams around with it on.
I think it's pretty cute.

 Mr got a new haircut
Have I introduced Piggy yet?
If not, I'm surprised.
Piggy arrived at Christmas.
Piggy now trumps puppies.
That is HUGE.
I guess piggy will be hanging around
for awhile.

 He looks so big to me in this picture.
I guess he is 1 now.

There's our January in review.
Some days were better than others
but we tried to make the best of what 
can be a long drab month so I'm
going to say we beat those
stink'n old January blues.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Christmas 2016 - Oh what fun we had!

I've spent far too long looking over all the Christmas pictures I took trying to decide which pictures to share.

There are simply too many.

Here are a few of my favourites from December.


 These Two.
Just look at them.
I bet you are smiling.
You're welcome.

 Mom and Grandad came down for Nathan's 
school Christmas concert.   He had fun and we had fun
watching all the stars of the big show.

Words cannot express what I felt when I saw this on the
concert schedule at Nathan's school.

Such a special school and teachers.

Who doesn't love a blanket ride?
These two sure do.


Christmas Eve 
Full of excitement and anticipation

Christmas Morning
Mom and Dad arrived at 7 am
Miles and I were up and the
rest of the crew were not too far behind.
N got up at 3:30am and was promptly
told to get back to bed, it was the middle of the night.
3:30 - No - except I didn't get back to sleep.

7:30 - YES
So much fun!!!

We spent Christmas Eve afternoon and evening with Ryan's parents 
and came home in time to get everyone tucked in and
awaiting the arrival of Santa.
So exciting!!

Morning came (hours too early), Mom and Dad
arrived with smiles on their faces and Nathan came down stairs 
and it was everything you would expect it to be for
a six year old.

N mapping out his route.
Yellowknife, China, Turkey, Cuba and of course
Tornado Alley are all stops along 
the journey.

Christmas is a time of year that can bring up so many feelings.
People remember Christmas. 
 You remember how you felt as a kid, where you were, 
who you spent the day with, certain presents, different celebrations and
annual traditions.

People make an effort at Christmas.
People try to be kinder, more generous, more accepting, 

Christmas makes memories.
Christmas is full of memories.

Christmas is a time to remember.

Remember, that with all the joy and excitement of Christmas
Most people are also at least little sad because they are remembering
the people they can no longer share the day with and reflecting back
to the moments they had.
Be kind to yourself, your heart, your memories and each other

Remember to be present in the little moments of today
that could be the big moments of yesterday.

Merry Christmas