Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Fun in November

It is getting tougher to catch this guy and his great smile.
He's as happy as ever but he's getting older, and so cool.....
It seems it's much more cool to be silly and serious.

We had an impromptu photo shoot one afternoon.
It was kind of fun and as always, I love to 
watch these two together.

This guy....
Is busy.
He's here, he's there,
he's everywhere.

So far this week, it's Tuesday,
I've found him in a cupboard,
stuck in his exersaucer and everywhere in-between.

Here's a shot of that cool kid I was talking about...

One of my favourites

I guess you could call him a 
Sous Chef?

Division 3 Provincial Final game
Acadia University

We are kind of fond of the star kicker ; )

Mom's famous pumpkins
2015 Version

There he is on the move again.
Honestly, I didn't plan to trip him up 
with his too long pants.
It didn't work anyway.

Classic Miles
Oh look at this....

Oh well, onto the next activity.

Nathan was pretty happy about this.
He said he "taught" Miles how to do this.
Always such a helpful kid.

That's a wrap.
November 2015