Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Monday 15 April 2013

Spring has Sprung

Spring has sprung.

Well that's the saying anyway.  With the exception of the sun, nothing has sprung here yet.

Signs of Spring are beginning to appear.   Graders on the bay, camo tents and hides hanging on houses.  So far the hide count is 1 polar bear, 1 muskox and 2 wolverines.  That's what I've seen, there could have been more but that is my official count.

I've been needing a little kick start to get myself going again and today we had a little excitement and I think I'm back in the grove.

It's likely a little strange that it took a few wolves chasing four good friends to get me motivated.  Regardless of the reason for this burst of energy and creativity, I figure I'll take advantage of it while it's here.

We had an eventful Easter week.

 Try to tell me this isn't the cutest picture ever!
 Easter Supper with friends
Sun dogs
Rainbows around the sun
Is the coolest lady I have met here in town.  She is a fisherwoman extraordinaire, a great guide out on the land, and and she helped me finish N's parka that I have been working on since September.  I finished it just in time for Spring (it's a winter parka) and N will not wear it.  He actually freaks out when I try to put it on him. Wonderful.  Regardless, the dang parka is finished. 
This is tent for goose hunting. 
 It's still early, but soon enough thousands and thousands of Snow Geese, Yellow Leg Geese and Canadian Geese will be flying overhead and filling up freezers throughout town.
 I noticed a few fresh hides on our neighbours house.  The big one is a muskox hide.
The little one hanging over the railing is a wolverine hide.
Other than my couch, these might be the best seats to the one of Mother Natures greatest shows. 
Last year the ice left the bay mid June - it might be wishful thinking but I'm hoping it is going to be earlier this a month ; )  Perhaps a little unrealistic considering that it is still consistently below 20 every. single. day.
I might have a warmer view of the bay from my couch, but this is certainly a prettier picture than one of my couch.
Sunsets are getting later and later.  Right now it is light from around 6am to 11pm.  Getting N to bed is a little trickier because I used to use the line "It's dark out, it's time to go to bed."  Now he looks out the window and says "It's not dark, not bedtime." 
Sunsets might be later and soon to be non existent for a few months, but when they happen, they are splendid.

Three year old gnocchi chef.
We told him to make a snake with it and then he cut it up himself. 
He loved making his own supper and devoured it in record time.
Last year we had 3 or 4 good blizzards all before the end of February.  This year we had one at Christmas and then it was quiet, until April.
We are making up for it now.  On a clear day you see across the bay with no problem.  On a blizzard day you cannot even see that boat let alone the houses.  It gets a little crazy, but now that we are use to it and certain that our roof will not blow off at any given moment, blizzard days are just like a snow day back home.  There is no school and everyone bunkers down.
I actually like a good ol' blizzard now.

This picture cracks me up.  If you look on the table you can see what I gave him to eat.  A big, boring bowl of raisin bran.  Yummy.  Guess who didn't give him that giant marshmallow.....
As you can tell he is beyond thrilled with his treat - thanks Dad.
Waiting for R to pick N and I up on the skidoo I put my load off to the side of the road. 
Anyone who has ever taken a little one skating knows why I had this bucket and why no matter how difficult it was going to be to haul that on the skidoo - it was coming with us.
 Voila - the bucket worked perfectly!!!
Our group of friends are slowly starting to move away - onto to their next adventures.  It is never fun to say "good-bye" or "see you later" to friends, but I am excited for everyone because I know there are great things ahead for them all.
We have become really close with our group of friends here in town.  Weekly pot lucks, game nights, movie nights, skating parties, trivia nights, Sunday morning tea time, Birthday parties, two Christmas's, Easter's, fishing trips, quading adventures, hunting for Northern Lights, bon fires on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, and now - going away parties.

 We have shared crazy adventures together.  Our friends are moving away - but the memories that we have made are forever.  We have shared many crazy adventures together in a place that most of the world does not even now exists.  I know we are lucky to have been able to meet the group of people we have, where we have, when we did - friends are important, especially when family is so far away.
Thank You Friends!
ps.  I had quite the exciting story to share with you all about how just after we left skating yesterday a group of friends that stayed behind were chased home by wolves.  Well, during the day today (yes, it takes a whole day to write this, well actually it takes forever to load the pictures) we found out that the wolves were actually dogs.  It was a much better story when they were wolves.  But whatever they were - at the time, our friends were really scarred and it did give me a kick to update this really out of date blog.