Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Friday 23 December 2011

Home again home again

I'm so far behind I'm not even sure where to begin. 

Christmas is literally just around the corner so I figure I better update the last month or else everything is really going to be muddled together. 

Our tree is up and there are lots of partially wrapped presents under it.  N is really into unwrapping, he is not so interested in waiting until Christmas morning.  I'm not sure I'm the right person to be enforcing that rule since I wasn't much better.  I was just older and wiser and knew how to rewrap presents a little more than he does.  He just looks at them and say "Uh Oh".    He is covering his tracks though - he throws the wrapping paper and the present in the garbage.  I should be doing a daily inventory to make sure everything is still under the tree at the end of the day.

So we had quite the month.

I think in my previous entry I said that we were going to be travelling through 7 different airports to get to Halifax.  It sounds crazy just saying it - actually doing it was a tad overwhelming.  Add into the mix:
- a two year old (who thankfully was very well behaved)
- a dog (yes Scotia came home with us and travelled on board with us
- and a snowstorm

This was the twin otter we took out of Paulatuk. 
Pretty fancy ; )  Yes, that's the open cockpit you see, we
have different security up here.

This is at the Inuvik airport. 
We spent the night in Inuvik.

This is the morning after the big storm.
Just what we wanted to see....snow.
Sense the sarcasm....

The end result was 8 airports, and an extra five hours added onto a already long day three of which were spent on a tarmac in Montreal after we turned around overtop of the Halifax airport and diverted back, a new flight crew because the original one timed out, two tired parents, a dog who must have had her legs crossed because there were no pee breaks for her and one 2 year who was an absolute champ.

Needless to say, we were happy to finally land in Halifax - thrilled to see N with his Grandparents and almost just as excited to crawl into bed.

Before landing in Halifax we spent a few days in Calgary.  We brought the cold weather with us but that didn't stop us from having a great time. 

We went to the zoo with R's brother:

We rented this little waggon - I'm not sure who used
it more, N or R.  Kids.....

N's favourites were the chimps and the lions.

We went to the huge mall just outside Calgary.  What I had anticipated would be an hour or so visit ended up being an entire day spent at the mall.  We didn't even shop, just looked at everything. 

And we were able to visit R's sisters beautiful new house. Once N his cousin A warmed upto each other they had a blast chasing each other around.  It was fun for us all to watch those two run around the kitchen island.  I'm sure it won't be the last time those two tear around that kitchen island.

After a great couple of days in Calgary we were off to Halifax.  Like I mentioned before it was a longer trip than we had anticipated and we were welcomed by alot of the "white stuff" which we hadn't expected, nor did we necessarily want to see. 

But it was great to be back.  Scotia (dog) always knows exactly where she is as soon as she smells the salt in the air.  She never says a peep on the plane, but as soon as we are waiting for our luggage she's beyond herself.

N who can sometimes play a little shy, went right to his Grandad F.  They toured the airport as we anxiously waited for luggage.  Once we got to my parents house he knew where he was.  He greeted Grammy F and then checked out the rest of the house. 

The next few days were spent be bopping from house to house.  There's so many people to see and so little time. 

N went to his first shed party:

N and his little cousin M had a blast at the Wildlife Park.  Yes they are holding hands.  So sweet!

I met up with an old friend and her boys and N and I went to the park.  N saw the playground and squealed.  Christmas came early for him.  Boy still LOVES to swing.

We also managed to catch a Santa Parade.  It didn't take too long for N to catch onto the whole candy throwing thing.  He had his hands and pockets full pretty quick.  Also - just by chance we happened upon our old neighbours from Yellowknife.  What are the chances of the that?  Not great, but it was neat to see them. 

Some of you will laugh now because you know I use to do this often. 

Where is the perfect spot to stash your keys so you won't lose them?

Ontop of the tire.

Oh yeah, I did it.  This use to be my go to spot to leave my keys.  I use to put them there all the time, it was the perfect spot so I'd never leave them behind.  I didn't use to carry a purse so I always thought they'd fall out of my pocket which I guess must have been what I thought before we took the walk up the road the day before.  The only problem is I forgot I put them there. 

That never use to happen.

Coming in the house to tell R and his Mom, who were also still searching the house for the millionth time, to tell them I found the keys that I had placed on the tire the day before was a tad embarrassing.....

Yes - I think we are a bit crazy.  As if we hadn't done enough flying we did more.  Much more. 

We went to Mexico and had an absolute blast. 

From Mexico we went back to NS for a few days and then we were on our way North again. 

We counted, a total of 8 days travelling.  It was alot, but every stop was well worth it. 

Coming back to Paulatuk was another "only in the North" experience.  We got on the plane and it was COLD.  I'm not even kidding when I say that N was laughing because he could see his breath.  At least he was entertained.  It eventually warmed up, but for awhile there I was pretty thrilled to be tucked in my parka!

Phew - I think I'm finally all caught up.  I know I missed lots but maybe I'll add bits and pieces in on later posts.  I have a picture I need to share of  my neighbours new lawn ornament. 

A frozen seal. 


Merry Christmas Everyone - from the North Pole!