Community: Paulatuk, NT Population: 311 Doctors: 0 Nurses: 2 RCMP Members: 2 Schools: 1 Students: 55
Number of flights into town: 3/week which supply mail, food and people

Wednesday 31 August 2011

And we're off

After a bit of reluctance I've decided to set up this little blog and we'll see where it goes.  I hope you enjoy it, and I hope I enjoy creating it.  It'll be nice to have a little hobby to help keep me busy.  I'm sure once the snow starts flying, I'll be thankful.  I'm on a bit of a learning curve with this whole blogging gig, but it looks like fun and I'm looking forward to seeing what I end up creating.

As for the title of the blog, I tried to name it "At THIS Very Moment", but that name was taken already.  For lack of creativity, I just switched it.  It seems a bit like not living in the moment, but since most of this will be written about past events (even if it's just a few minutes) it may end up be fitting.  If not, I guess that's what the edit button is for.

Since we've moved up here to Paulatuk I've been sending mass emails out to many of family members and friends, also cutting myself into the email so that I can keep it in my file.  I figured it might be fun to look back on someday.   Blogging seems like a natural progression but it intimidated me for a few obvious reasons:

1. I didn't know anything about it - other than I have a few favorites I like to check out on a regular       basis.

2.  I have a bit of an issue with lack of privacy - once it's out there, it's really out there.  But in reality, my life isn't that exciting - I'm not running from the law nor do I have any big plans to show up on AMW.

3. I think I have a bit of an addictive personality.  Once I find something I like - I'm hooked and spend too much time with it.  Ahem - trash tv, which has led to the trash forums and blogs. KL - I know you are laughing right now!

4. We are back to - I don't know anything about it - but I guess it's time to learn!

N and I are off - we need to make a few pit stops around town and then this afternoon we are headed the the Parks office.  Word on the street is that they have really nice stone carvings. 

This will be one of our pit stops - the beach

This will be the other - grocery store
The left side of the building is the Parks Office (carvings)

Since this all started because I hesitated sending out the latest mass email - here are the most recent pictures of life in Paulatuk, NT.

We woke up to see this off the deck one morning. 
The first barge carrying the new airport (yes you read that right)
as well as fuel for communities homes/trucks and incoming planes for the year.

There goes the new airport, down the road.
Can't help but laugh a little

Somebody had a Birthday!  2 already!! 
He's mid-blink in this pic, but it is the only cake picture we have.
He didn't eat the cake, but sure thought blowing out candles was fun!

This hat has been a great source of amusement
for the last few days

Of of course, the weekly quading trip to the river. 

It's not nearly as green, but still stunning.

I can't believe Summer is almost over - yesterday I thought it WAS over for sure.  Hats, mitts and boots, didn't seem to much like summer to me.  Today, today was great.  The sun was shining, the boats were out in the water, sunglasses were required and I was actually hot going for a walk around town, yes my 1 km long town.  I was wearing a fleecy with a tank top under it, not smart layering.  Too cold to wear a tank top, too warm for a fleecy, hopefully I'll have an opportunity for a do over tomorrow.

Happy Belated Dad - I love you!